Space Coast Basket Brigade 11/23/24 - 11/24/24 - Food Drive/Delivery and 3K Race
4 months ago, Palm Bay Magnet High School
Space Coast Basket Brigade Event
Space Coast Basket Brigade Food Drive
VOTE here: for class of 2025 song, motto, flower, and Prom theme! Votes due by 11/1 at noon! VOTE NOW!!
4 months ago, Palm Bay Magnet High School
Class of 2025
Congratulations to our 2024-25 Teacher of the Year, Naomi Cote, and our Employee of the Year, Tryphena Samuel. They are the definition of Pirate Pride! 💗🖤💗🖤
4 months ago, Palm Bay Magnet High School
Teacher and Employee of the Year
Fall Spirit Week is 10/28 - 11/1!
5 months ago, Palm Bay Magnet High School
Fall Spirit Week
The Fall ASVAB is next TUESDAY 10/22/24. Sophomores, Juniors and Senior students can sign up here: or with Mrs. Gideon in 19-107.
5 months ago, Palm Bay Magnet High School
Hurricane Milton Update #4 | 10/10/2024 | Posted at 12:25pm Sending our thoughts to everyone affected by Hurricane Milton. We hope you and your families are safe! Our schools and offices will be closed today, 10/10, and tomorrow, 10/11 to allow you to focus on storm recovery. All school activities are canceled this weekend. Monday, 10/14 will remain a Teacher Work Day/Student Holiday. Students are expected to return to school on Tuesday, 10/15. Stay safe!
5 months ago, Palm Bay Magnet High School
Milton update 4
The PSAT/NMSQT has been rescheduled to Thursday 10/17/2024 due to Hurricane Milton.
5 months ago, Palm Bay Magnet High School
Parent Teacher Conference Night 10/21/2024 5-7 pm
5 months ago, Palm Bay Magnet High School
PTC night 10/21/2024
PBMHS SAC Meetings for 2024-25
5 months ago, Palm Bay Magnet High School
Underclass portrait retakes have been rescheduled to next Friday, October 25th, in the library during English classes. Retakes are for students who were either not present on the original picture day in August or purchased pictures and would like to retake them. The deadline for Senior portraits is Saturday, January 13th. Seniors should go to to schedule an appointment.
5 months ago, Palm Bay Magnet High School
**RESCHEDULED for Wed 10/16/24 and Thurs 10/17/24 at 7 pm AND Friday 10/18/2024 at 3 pm** Come out and see our Pirate Thespians in SIX. SIX is an historical re-imagining of the 'real' story of Henry VIII's marriages- as told from the six wives point of view with a pop music score.
5 months ago, Palm Bay Magnet High School
SIX the musical
Jostens will be here on Tuesday, October 1 to meet with Juniors (5th period) and Seniors (6th period) in the auditorium. Please see the flyers for more information.
5 months ago, Palm Bay Magnet High School
Jostens class ring flyer
Jostens class ring flyer QR codes
Jostens Senior flyer
Jostens Senior flyer QR codes
MESH Night is October 3 at 5:30 PM in our PBMHS Cafeteria. Learn about the essentials for all of your student's core classes: Math, English, Science and History. Get help with FOCUS. Free school supplies available
6 months ago, Palm Bay Magnet High School
MESH Night
MESH Night
MESH Night
MESH Night
Today PBMHS students and staff enjoyed "21 Chump St", a play presented by our Pirate theatre students. Awesome show Pirate Thespians!
6 months ago, Palm Bay Magnet High School
21 Chump Street play on 9/12/24
PBMHS Fire Cadet students performed a stair climb challenge at the stadium today. They were working hard to honor the 343 men and women firefighters who perished this day on 9/11/01. The challenge was to climb the equivalent of the NYC Twin Towers, which is 2,200 steps.
6 months ago, Palm Bay Magnet High School
PBMHS Firefighters
3rd Annual "You Matter Day" 9/21/2024 Free Community Family Event to Raise Awareness for Mental Health and Suicide
6 months ago, Palm Bay Magnet High School
You Matter Day 9/21/24
Palm Bay Magnet High School's Open House will be held this Monday, September 9th, from 5p to 7p. Open House will begin in the PBMHS Auditorium, students should provide their parents with their schedules prior to open house. Parents will have the opportunity to briefly meet each of their students teachers and receive and overview of their class as well as student expectations for each course. Please note that open house is not for individual parent/teacher conference, meetings of that sort must be set up with teachers at a different time.
6 months ago, Palm Bay Magnet High School
2025 PBMHS Senior Class Election
6 months ago, Palm Bay Magnet High School
Senior Class Election QR code
GENTLEMEN, START YOUR ENGINES You have been called to join us as we kick off this school year at Palm Bay HS. Because we will be working with only the 9th & 10th graders, we will be finished shortly after 10:00. The theme we will carrying throughout the school year will be: STAND FIRM: Prepare yourself to be on guard without wavering, resisting the ideas of the crowd, so that you may become a man who stands firm with character and conviction. Come prepared to share your stories of Standing Firm against the temptations you have experienced.
6 months ago, Palm Bay Magnet High School
Tied Together 9/6/24
The PBMHS Annual Title 1 meeting for 2024-25 will be held at 4:30 on September 9, 2024 in our cafeteria. ************************************************************************************************ La reunión anual del Título 1 de PBMHS para 2024-25 se llevará a cabo a las 4:30 el 9 de septiembre de 2024 en nuestra cafetería. ************************************************************************************************* Reyinyon Anyèl Tit 1 PBMHS pou 2024-25 la ap fèt a 4:30 9 septanm 2024 nan kafeterya nou an.
7 months ago, Palm Bay Magnet High School
Annual Title 1 Meeting 4:30 on 9/9/2024